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Tarot cards

‘God, I Need a Sign!’ What the Bible Says about Asking God for Signs

When I was a college student, I was obsessed with figuring out the God’s will for my life. Along with…

Sheep, spice jars, and coins in an offering plate

What Does the Bible Say about Tithing?

Many churches speak of a “tithe,” literally a tenth, latching onto biblical language to support their calls for financial contributions….

A black boy using a water fountain beneath a "colored" sign during the Jim Crow era

Systemic Evils Aren’t Your Responsibility, They’re Ours

For more on this subject, listen to our podcast conversation with Michael Rhodes, “Is ‘Systemic Injustice’ Biblical?“ I remember the…

Modern Samaritans preparing a sacrifice

What Does It Mean to Worship in ‘Spirit and in Truth’?

Each year, the Christian world sees two Easter Sundays, each occasionally overlapping with Jewish Passover. But in Israel-Palestine a small…

Hand prints overlaid on a background of the Tabernacle

Does It Matter if You Don’t Feel Close to God?

Have you ever said a word over and over until it sounded bizarre to your ears, as if you’re hearing…

ChatGPT Reads the Sermon on the Mount

Reading the Sermon on the Mount with ChatGPT

In the past several months, it has been difficult to avoid discussion of “artificial intelligence” or more particularly ChatGPT and…

Outline of a police officer detaining someone on the ground

The Key Biblical Principle for Police Reform? Humane Imagination

Being a skinhead in Tulsa Oklahoma meant regular encounters with the police. Back in the 1980s/90s, officers didn’t seem to…

Skull illustration against a red background

What Does the Bible Say about Anxiety? Redirecting the Fear of Death

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it…

An eye crying against a pink background

Teaching Genesis’ Beautiful Vision in an Incarcerated Context

It’s Tuesday morning. I’m about to head out the door. With a wry smile, I say to my family, “I’m…

A dove representing the holy spirit descends on a revival

A Pentecostal’s Biblical Reflections on the Asbury Revival

As a Pentecostal, I am familiar with revival language. It is common practice in my sphere to seek or pray…