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Did the Biblical Authors Care about Conspiracy Theories?

Excerpt from the original article at Christianity Today magazine: Conspiracy thinking injects itself at this exact point. Who will guide…

Painting of Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness

Family Conflicts and the Restoration of the Cosmos, Part I: Morality amid Oppression and Humility

Surprisingly, the destructiveness, and even violence, evident within Abraham and Sarah’s family are exactly what suits it to God’s restorative purpose. This family is God’s answer to a violent and destructive world.

Part of the Family Conflicts and the Restoration of the Cosmos series

A Hebraic Approach to History: Response to Doran’s “The Theology of Foreign Policy”

Whether Americans adopt an Hebraic or Hellenic kind of theological worldview depends largely on if they identify more closely with an Hebraic or Hellenic kind of Christianity. The biggest determining factor may be one’s view of Scripture.

Ancient depiction of Moses killing the Egyptian

How Morality in the Bible Emerges within Narrative

When reading biblical narratives with multifaceted characters and complex situations, the reader is challenged to decipher ethical ambiguity, think through conflicts, and discover the implications for everyday life.

Beagle on a leash tied to a bike rack

Biblical Theology: Scripture Is Not Our Dog

Unless we heed both Scripture’s content and its form, we risk making God’s revelation into a pet: loved but powerless.

Historical photo of science lab

Wisdom: Scientific, Biblical, and Otherwise

The Christian Scriptures focus on apprenticing under the correct authorities—those who skillfully discern God’s patterns in this world. Wisdom, then—for the scientist and for Christians in community—requires submitting ourselves to the proper authorities to learn discernment.

What Is This Thing Called Law?

CHT Fellow Dr. Joshua Berman discusses the difference between modern notions of law and how law functioned in the ancient Near East, including within the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament).