
MORE Episodes

Person being lifted up by a bunch of balloons

Don’t Skip the Poems (Michelle Knight)

The poetry in Scripture can be hard to understand. And, especially when it is embedded within a story, such as…

Matthew J. Lynch and his book

Understanding Violence in the Old Testament (and New Testament)—Matt Lynch

Instead of merely worrying about violence in the Old Testament, we could instead ask how Scripture is critiquing our use of violence.

Luke Bobo and his book

Biblical Literacy for Flourishing in Faith and Work (Luke Bobo)

Dr. Luke Bobo talks about interpreting Scripture, the intersection of faith and work, and the church’s role in the economic order.


Re-Thinking Wisdom Literature in the Bible (Will Kynes)

Since the 19th century, the term “wisdom literature” has been associated specifically with the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job….

Dr. Carmen Imes and her book

How Old Testament Laws Can Shape Christians Today (Carmen Imes)

In this episode, Dr. Carmen Imes discusses Old Testament laws, with a special focus on how modern Christians should read the Torah.

Aimee Byrd and her book, Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Critiquing the Church’s Beliefs about Sex and Gender (Aimee Byrd)

Author and speaker Aimee Byrd believes that a careful reading of the biblical texts should inform the church’s view on sex and gender.

Part of the A Gender Study: The Real Lives of Women and Men in the Bible series

Child reading Scripture in bed

Shaping Habits and Imagination for Reading Scripture (Dr. Heath Thomas)

Dr. Johnson talks with Dr. Heath Thomas about reading Scripture with literary sensitivity and rejuvinated imaginations.

Statue of Confucius

Is Asian Philosophy (including Israel’s) ‘Philosophy’? (Bryan Van Norden

Dr. Dru Johnson talks to Dr. Bryan Van Norden about expanding our definition of philosophy to challenge our own Western ways of thinking and to understand other cultures.

Egyptian engraving

Thinking Exodus: Egyptology and the Bible (James K. Hoffmeier)

In this episode, Dr. Dru Johnson talks with Dr. James K. Hoffmeier about Egyptology and whether there was a historical exodus.

Ned Bustard's print of Judges 19

Biblical Artist Series: Ned Bustard

In this episode, Dru Johnson talks with Ned Bustard about Christianity and art, and Ned’s book Revealed: A Storybook Bible for Grown-Ups.

Part of the Biblical Artist Series series